Clip Joint Academy of
Hairdressing PTY LTD
RTO Code: 0186
CRICOS Provider Number: 02103K
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Phone: +618 8223 5600

Accelerated Delivery: Certificate III in Barbering

The Certificate III in Barbering (SHB30516) can be undertaken with Accelerated delivery – with either a full or part-time study load. The Accelerated delivery places an emphasis on Academy-based learning in conjunction with work placement and industry mentorship. The qualification includes the core skills of hairdressing in addition to specialist barbering units. Upon successful completion, students will graduate with a nationally recognised qualification and can work as a Qualified Barber.


Taking the first step towards your creative career has never been easier! Start with downloading the Course Brochure to learn about what the course covers, how, where and when you can study.


Have an obligation free chat with a CJ Course Adviser to discuss questions, have your eligibility assessed for Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) and any applicable government funded/subsidised programs (that may reduce your tuition).


If everything sounds great and you want to proceed, you can book a campus tour and meeting to finalise your enrolment or submit an application online.


With varied study options, flexible payment plans, and a range of government funded programs and subsidies available – NOW is the ultimate time to start your creative hairdressing, barbering or makeup career.


Our Course Brochures contain detailed information about core and elective units, upcoming intakes, delivery methods,  study and career pathways and more.  Visit the top of this page to view the download brochure for this course.

Please Contact Us to see if you are eligible for this delivery, to discuss any potential RPL (recognised prior learning) credits and associated pricing.

We recommend reviewing the Course Brochure in the first instance and then having an obligation free chat with our Course Advisory Team to discuss any questions. This way you will have all of the information needed to make an informed decision.

Yes, we do. Contact the Course Advisory team to discuss your options.

General intake information is outlined within the applicable course brochure. However, exemptions and additional intakes may be offered to accommodate different circumstances. 

It’s easy! You can book a campus tour and meeting to finalise your enrolment or submit an application online.  


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